OpenShift and SSSD Part 3: Extended LDAP Attributes


This is the third post in a series on setting up advanced authentication mechanisms with OpenShift Origin. This entry will build upon the foundation created earlier, so if you haven’t already gone through that tutorial, start here and continue here.

Configuring Extended LDAP Attributes


  • SSSD 1.12.0  or later. This is available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 and later.
  • mod_lookup_identity 0.9.4 or later. The required version is not yet available on any released version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, but RPMs for this platform are available from upstream at this COPR repository until they arrive in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Configuring SSSD

First, we need to ask SSSD to look up attributes in LDAP that it normally doesn’t care about for simple system-login use-cases. In the OpenShift case, there’s really only one such attribute: email. So we need to modify the [domain/DOMAINNAME] section of /etc/sssd/sssd.conf on the authenticating proxy and add this attribute:

ldap_user_extra_attrs = mail

Next, we also have to tell SSSD that it’s acceptable for this attribute to be retrieved by apache, so we need to add the following two lines to the [ifp] section of /etc/sssd/sssd.conf as well:

user_attributes = +mail
allowed_uids = apache, root

Now we should be able to restart SSSD and test this configuration.

# systemctl restart sssd.service

# getent passwd <username>
username:*:12345:12345:Example User:/home/username:/usr/bin/bash

# gdbus call \
        --system \
        --dest org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe \
        --object-path /org/freedesktop/sssd/infopipe/Users/example_2ecom/12345 \
        --method org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get \
        "org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe.Users.User" "extraAttributes"
(<{'mail': ['']}>,)

Configuring Apache

Now that SSSD is set up and successfully serving extended attributes, we need to configure the web server to ask for them and to insert them in the correct places.

First, we need to install and enable the mod_lookup_identity module for Apache (See note in the “Prerequisites” setting for installing on RHEL 7):

# yum -y install mod_lookup_identity

Second, we need to enable the module so that Apache will load it. We need to modify /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/55-lookup_identity.conf and uncomment the line:

LoadModule lookup_identity_module modules/

Next, we need to let SELinux know that it’s acceptable for Apache to connect to SSSD over D-BUS, so we’ll set an SELinux boolean:

# setsebool -P httpd_dbus_sssd on

Then we’ll edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/openshift-proxy.conf and add the following lines (bolded to show the additions) inside the <ProxyMatch /oauth/authorize> section:

  <ProxyMatch /oauth/authorize>
    AuthName openshift

    LookupOutput Headers
    LookupUserAttr mail X-Remote-User-Email
    LookupUserGECOS X-Remote-User-Display-Name

    RequestHeader set X-Remote-User %{REMOTE_USER}s env=REMOTE_USER

Then restart Apache to pick up the changes.

# systemctl restart httpd.service

Configuring OpenShift

The proxy is now all set, so it’s time to tell OpenShift where to find these new attributes during login. Edit the /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml file and add the following lines to the identityProviders section (new lines bolded):

  - name: sssd
  challenge: true
  login: true
  mappingMethod: claim
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: RequestHeaderIdentityProvider
    challengeURL: "${query}"
    loginURL: "${query}"
    clientCA: /etc/origin/master/proxy/proxyca.crt
    - X-Remote-User
    - X-Remote-User-Email
    - X-Remote-User-Display-Name

Go ahead and launch OpenShift with this updated configuration and log in to the web as a new user. You should see their full name appear in the upper-right of the screen. You can also verify with oc get identities -o yaml that both email addresses and full names are available.

Debugging Notes

OpenShift currently only saves these attributes to the user at the time of the first login and doesn’t update them again after that. So while you are testing (and only while testing), it’s advisable to run oc delete users,identities --all to clear the identities out so you can log in again.

OpenShift and SSSD Part 2: LDAP Form Authentication


This is the second post in a series on setting up advanced authentication mechanisms with OpenShift Origin. This entry will build upon the foundation created earlier, so if you haven’t already gone through that tutorial, start here. Note that some of the content on that page has changed since it was first published to ensure that this second part is easier to set up, so make sure to double-check your configuration.

Configuring Form-based Authentication

In this tutorial, I’m going to describe how to set up form-based authentication to use when signing into the OpenShift Origin web console. The first step is to prepare a login page. The OpenShift upstream repositories have a handy template for forms, so we will copy that down to our authenticating proxy on

# curl -o /var/www/html/login.html \

You may edit this login HTML however you prefer, but if you change the form field names, you will need to update those in the configuration below as well.

Next, we need to install another Apache module, this time for intercepting form-based authentication.

# yum -y install mod_intercept_form_submit

Then we need to modify /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/55-intercept_form_submit.conf and uncomment the LoadModule line.

Next, we’ll add a new section to our openshift-proxy.conf inside the <VirtualHost *:443> block.

  <Location /login-proxy/oauth/authorize>
    # Insert your backend server name/ip here.

    InterceptFormPAMService openshift
    InterceptFormLogin httpd_username
    InterceptFormPassword httpd_password

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} GET
    RewriteRule ^.*$ /login.html [L]

This tells Apache to listen for POST requests on the /login-proxy/oauth/authorize and pass the username and password over to the openshift PAM service, just like in the challenging-proxy example in the first entry of this series. This is all we need to do on the Apache side of things, so restart the service and move back over to the OpenShift configuration.

In the master-config.yaml, update the identityProviders section as follows (new lines bolded):

  - name: any_provider_name
    challenge: true
    login: true
    mappingMethod: claim
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: RequestHeaderIdentityProvider
      challengeURL: "${query}"
      loginURL: "${query}"
      clientCA: /etc/origin/master/proxy/proxyca.crt
      - X-Remote-User

Now restart OpenShift with the updated configuration. You should be able to browse to and use your LDAP credentials at the login form to sign in.

OpenShift and SSSD Part 1: Basic LDAP Authentication


OpenShift provides a fairly simple and straightforward authentication provider for use with LDAP setups. It has one major limitation, however: it can only connect to a single LDAP server. This can be problematic if that LDAP server becomes unavailable for any reason. When this happens, end-users get very unhappy.

Enter SSSD. Originally designed to manage local and remote authentication to the host OS, it can now be configured to provide identity, authentication and authorization services to web services like OpenShift as well. It provides a multitude of advantages over the built-in LDAP provider; in particular it has the ability to connect to any number of failover LDAP servers as well as to cache authentication attempts in case it can no longer reach any of those servers.

These advantages don’t come without a cost, of course: the setup of this configuration is somewhat more advanced, so I’m writing up this guide to help you get it set up. Rather than adding a few lines to the master-config.yml in OpenShift and calling it a day, we are going to need to set up a separate authentication server that OpenShift will talk to. This guide will describe how to do it on a dedicated physical or virtual machine, but the concepts should also be applicable to loading up such a setup in a container as well. (And in the future, I will be looking into whether we could build such a static container right into OpenShift, but for now this document will have to suffice.) For this guide, I will use the term VM to refer to either type of machine, simply because it’s shorter to type and read.

This separate authentication server will be called the “authenticating proxy” from here on out and describes a solution that will provide a specialized httpd server that will handle the authentication challenge and return the results to the OpenShift Server. See the OpenShift documentation for security considerations around the use of an authenticating proxy.

Formatting Notes

  • If you see something in italics within a source-code block below, you should replace it with the appropriate value for your environment.
  • Source-code blocks with a leading ‘#’ character indicates a command that must be executed as the “root” user, either by logging in as root or using the sudo command.
  • Source-code blocks with a leading ‘$’ character indicates a command that may be executed by any user (privileged or otherwise). These commands are generally for testing purposes.


You will need to know the following information about your LDAP server to follow the directions below:

  • Is the directory server powered by FreeIPA, Active Directory or another LDAP solution?
  • What is the URI for the LDAP server? e.g.
  • Where is the CA certificate for the LDAP server?
  • Does the LDAP server correspond to RFC 2307 or RFC2307bis for user-groups?

Prepare VMs:

  • A VM to use as the authenticating proxy. This machine must have at least SSSD 1.12.0 available, which means a fairly recent operating system. In these examples, I will be using a clean install of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 Server.
  • A VM to use to run OpenShift

(These machines *can* be configured to run on the same system, but for the purposes of this tutorial, I am keeping them separate)

Phase 1: Certificate Generation

In order to ensure that communication between the authenticating proxy and OpenShift is trustworthy, we need to create a set of TLS certificates that we will use during the other phases of this setup. For the purposes of this demo, we will start by using the auto-generated certificates created as part of running

# openshift start \
    --public-master= \

Among other things, this will generate /etc/origin/master/ca.{cert|key}. We will use this signing certificate to generate keys to use on the authenticating proxy.

# mkdir -p /etc/origin/proxy/
# oadm ca create-server-cert \
    --cert='/etc/origin/proxy/' \
    --key='/etc/origin/proxy/' \, \
    --signer-cert=/etc/origin/master/ca.crt \
    --signer-key='/etc/origin/master/ca.key' \

For the hostnames, ensure that any hostnames and interface IP addresses that might need to access the proxy are listed, otherwise the HTTPS connection will fail.

Next, we will generate the API client certificate that the authenticating proxy will use to prove its identity to OpenShift (this is necessary so that malicious users cannot impersonate the proxy and send fake identities). First, we will create a new CA to sign this client certificate.

# oadm ca create-signer-cert \
  --cert='/etc/origin/proxy/proxyca.crt' \
  --key='/etc/origin/proxy/proxyca.key' \
  --name='openshift-proxy-signer@`date +%s`' \

(The date +%s in that block is used to make the  signer unique. You can use any name you prefer, however.)

# oadm create-api-client-config \
    --certificate-authority='/etc/origin/proxy/proxyca.crt' \
    --client-dir='/etc/origin/proxy' \
    --signer-cert='/etc/origin/proxy/proxyca.crt' \
    --signer-key='/etc/origin/proxy/proxyca.key' \
    --signer-serial='/etc/origin/proxy/proxyca.serial.txt' \
# cat /etc/origin/proxy/system\:proxy.crt \
      /etc/origin/proxy/system\:proxy.key \
      > /etc/origin/proxy/authproxy.pem

Phase 2: Authenticating Proxy Setup

Step 1: Copy certificates

From, securely copy the necessary certificates to the proxy machine:

# scp /etc/origin/proxy/master/ca.crt \

# scp /etc/origin/proxy/ \
      /etc/origin/proxy/authproxy.pem \

# scp /etc/origin/proxy/ \

Step 2: SSSD Configuration

Install a new VM with a recent operating system (in order to use the mod_identity_lookup module later, it will need to be running SSSD 1.12.0 or later). In these examples, I will be using a clean install of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 Server.

First thing is to install all of the necessary dependencies:

# yum install -y sssd \
                 sssd-dbus \
                 realmd \
                 httpd \
                 mod_session \
                 mod_ssl \

This will give us the SSSD and the web server components we will need. The first step here will be to set up SSSD to authenticate this VM against the LDAP server. If the LDAP server in question is a FreeIPA or Active Directory environment, then realmd can be used to join this machine to the domain. This is the easiest way to get up and running.

realm join

If you aren’t running a domain, then your best option is to use the authconfig tool (or follow the many other tutorials on the internet for configuring SSSD for identity and authentication).

# authconfig --update --enablesssd --enablesssdauth \
             --enableldaptls \

This should create /etc/sssd/sssd.conf with most of the appropriate settings. (Note: RHEL 7 appears to have a bug wherein authconfig does not create the /etc/openldap/cacerts directory, so you may need to create it manually before running the above command.)

If you are interested in using SSSD to manage failover situations for LDAP, this can be configured simply by adding additional entries in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf on the ldap_uri line. Systems enrolled with FreeIPA will automatically handle failover using DNS SRV records.

Finally, restart SSSD to make sure that all of the changes are applied properly:

$ systemctl restart sssd.service

Now, test that the user information can be retrieved properly:

$ getent passwd <username>
username:*:12345:12345:Example User:/home/username:/usr/bin/bash

At this point, it is wise to attempt to log into the VM as an LDAP user and confirm that the authentication is properly set up. This can be done via the local console or a remote service such as SSH. (Later, you can modify your /etc/pam.d files to disallow this access if you prefer.) If this fails, consult the SSSD troubleshooting guide.

Step 3: Apache Configuration

Now that we have the authentication pieces in place, we need to set up Apache to talk to SSSD. First, we will create a PAM stack file for use with Apache. Create the /etc/pam.d/openshift file and add the following contents:

auth required
account required

This will tell PAM (the pluggable authentication module) that when an authentication request is issued for the “openshift” stack, it should use to determine authentication and access-control.

Next we will configure the Apache httpd.conf. (Taken from the OpenShift documentation and modified for SSSD.) For this tutorial, we’re only going to set up the challenge authentication (useful for logging in with oc login and similar automated tools). A future entry in this series will describe setup to use the web console.

First, create the new file openshift-proxy.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d (substituting the correct hostnames where indicated):

LoadModule request_module modules/
LoadModule lookup_identity_module modules/
# Nothing needs to be served over HTTP.  This virtual host simply redirects to
<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html
  RewriteEngine              On
  RewriteRule     ^(.*)$     https://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R,L]

<VirtualHost *:443>
  # This needs to match the certificates you generated.  See the CN and X509v3
  # Subject Alternative Name in the output of:
  # openssl x509 -text -in /etc/pki/tls/certs/

  DocumentRoot /var/www/html
  SSLEngine on
  SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/
  SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/
  SSLCACertificateFile /etc/pki/CA/certs/ca.crt

  # Send logs to a specific location to make them easier to find
  ErrorLog logs/proxy_error_log
  TransferLog logs/proxy_access_log
  LogLevel warn
  SSLProxyEngine on
  SSLProxyCACertificateFile /etc/pki/CA/certs/ca.crt
  # It's critical to enforce client certificates on the Master.  Otherwise
  # requests could spoof the X-Remote-User header by accessing the Master's
  # /oauth/authorize endpoint directly.
  SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/authproxy.pem

  # Send all requests to the console
  RewriteEngine              On
  RewriteRule     ^/console(.*)$     https://%{HTTP_HOST}:8443/console$1 [R,L]

  # In order to using the challenging-proxy an X-Csrf-Token must be present.
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/challenging-proxy
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Csrf-Token} ^$ [NC]
  RewriteRule ^.* - [F,L]

  <Location /challenging-proxy/oauth/authorize>
    # Insert your backend server name/ip here.
    AuthType Basic
    AuthBasicProvider PAM
    AuthPAMService openshift
    Require valid-user

  <ProxyMatch /oauth/authorize>
    AuthName openshift
    RequestHeader set X-Remote-User %{REMOTE_USER}s env=REMOTE_USER

RequestHeader unset X-Remote-User


Then we need to tell SELinux that it’s acceptable for Apache to contact the PAM subsystem, so we set a boolean:

# setsebool -P allow_httpd_mod_auth_pam on

At this point, we can start up Apache.

# systemctl start httpd.service

Phase 3: OpenShift Configuration

This describes how to set up an OpenShift server from scratch in an “all in one” configuration. For more complicated (and interesting) setups, consult the official OpenShift documentation.

First, we need to modify the default configuration to use the new identity provider we just created. We’ll start by modifying the /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml file. Scan through it and locate the identityProviders section and replace it with:

  - name: any_provider_name
    challenge: true
    login: false
    mappingMethod: claim
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: RequestHeaderIdentityProvider
      challengeURL: "${query}"
      clientCA: /etc/origin/master/proxy/proxyca.crt
      - X-Remote-User

Now we can start openshift with the updated configuration:

# openshift start \
    --public-master= \
    --master-config=/etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml \

Now you can test logins with

oc login

It should now be possible to log in with only valid LDAP credentials. Stay tuned for further entries in this series where I will teach you how to set up a “login” provider for authenticating the web console, how to retrieve extended user attributes like email address and full name from LDAP, and also how to set up automatic single-sign-on for users in a FreeIPA or Active Directory domain.

 Updates 2016-05-27: There were some mistakes in the httpd.conf as originally written that made it difficult to set up Part 2. They have been retroactively corrected. Additionally, I’ve moved the incomplete configuration of extended attributes out of this entry and will reintroduce them in a further entry in this series.

Self-Signed SSL/TLS Certificates: Why They are Terrible and a Better Alternative

A Primer on SSL/TLS Certificates

Many of my readers (being technical folks) are probably already aware of the purpose and value of certificates, but in case you are not familiar with them, here’s a quick overview of what they are and how they work.

First, we’ll discuss public-key encryption and public-key infrastructure (PKI). It was realized very early on in human history that sometimes you want to communicate with other people in a way that prevents unauthorized people from listening in. All throughout time, people have been devising mechanisms for obfuscating communication in ways that only the intended recipient of the code would be able to understand. This obfuscation is called encryption, the data being encrypted is called plaintext and the encrypted data is called ciphertext. The cipher is the mathematical transformation that is used to turn the plaintext into the ciphertext and relies upon one or more keys known only to trusted individuals to get the plaintext back.

Early forms of encryption were mainly “symmetric” encryption, meaning that the cipher used the same key for both encryption and decryption. If you’ve ever added a password to a PDF document or a ZIP file, you have been using symmetric encryption. The password is a human-understandable version of a key. For a visual metaphor, think about the key to your front door. You may have one or more such keys, but they’re all exactly alike and each one of them can both lock and unlock the door and let someone in.

Nowadays we also have forms of encryption that are “asymmetric”. What this means is that one key is used to encrypt the message and a completely different key is used to decrypt it. This is a bit harder for many people to grasp, but it works on the basic mathematical principle that some actions are much more complicated to reverse than others. (A good example I’ve heard cited is that it’s pretty easy to figure out the square of any number with a pencil and a couple minutes, but most people can’t figure out a square-root without a modern calculator). This is harder to visualize, but the general idea is that once you lock the door with one key, only the other one can unlock it. Not even the one that locked it in the first place.

So where does the “public” part of public-key infrastructure come in? What normally happens is that once an asymmetric key-pair is generated, the user will keep one of those two keys very secure and private, so that only they have access to it. The other one will be handed out freely through some mechanism to anyone at all that wants to talk to you. Then, if they want to send you a message, they simply encrypt their message using your public key and they know you are the only one who can decrypt it. On the flip side, if the user wanted to send a public message but provide assurance that it came from them, they can also sign a message with the private key, so that the message will contain a special signature that can be decrypted with their public key. Since only one person should have that key, recipients can trust it came from them.

Astute readers will see the catch here: how do users know for certain that your public key is in fact yours? The answer is that they need to have a way of verifying it. We call this establishing trust and it’s exceedingly important (and, not surprisingly, the basis for the rest of this blog entry). There are many ways to establish trust, with the most foolproof being to receive the public key directly from the other party while looking at two forms of picture identification. Obviously, that’s not convenient for the global economy, so there needs to be other mechanisms.

Let’s say the user wants to run a webserver at “”. This server might handle private user data (such as their home address), so a wise administrator will set the server up to use HTTPS (secure HTTP). This means that they need a public and private key (which in this case we call a certificate). The common way to do this is for the user to contact a well-known certificate authority and purchase a signature from them. The certificate authority will do the hard work of verifying the user’s identity and then sign their webserver certificate with the CA’s own private key, thus providing trust by way of a third-party. Many well-known certificate authorities have their public keys shipped by default in a variety of operating systems, since the manufacturers of those systems have independently verified the CAs in turn. Now everyone who comes to the site will see the nice green padlock on their URL bar that means their communications are encrypted.

A Primer on Self-Signed Certificates

One of the major drawbacks to purchasing a CA signature is that it isn’t cheap: the CAs (with the exception of Let’s Encrypt) are out there to make money. When you’re developing a new application, you’re going to want to test that everything works with encryption, but you probably aren’t going to want to shell out cash for every test server and virtual machine that you create.

The solution to this has traditionally been to create what is called a self-signed certificate. What this means is that instead of having your certificate signed by a certificate authority, you instead use the certificates public key to add a signature to the private key. The problem with this approach is that web browsers and other clients that verify the security of the connection will be unable to verify that the server is who it says it is. In most cases, the user will be presented with a warning page that informs them that the server is pretending to be the one you went to. When setting up a test server, this is expected. Unfortunately, however, clicking through and saying “I’m sure I want to connect” has a tendency to form bad habits in users and often results in them eventually clicking through when they shouldn’t.

It should be pretty obvious, but I’ll say it anyway: Never use a self-signed certificate for a production website.

One of the problems we need to solve is how to avoid training users to ignore those warnings. One way that people often do this is to load their self-signed certificate into their local trust store (the list of certificate authorities that are trusted, usually provided by the operating system vendor but available to be extended by the user). This can have some unexpected consequences, however. For example, if the test machine is shared by multiple users (or is breached in a malicious attack), then the private key for the certificate might fall into other hands that would then use it to sign additional (potentially malicious) sites. And your computer wouldn’t try to warn you because the site would be signed by a trusted authority!

So now it seems like we’re in a Catch-22 situation: If we load the certificate into the trusted authorities list, we run the risk of a compromised private key for that certificate tricking us into a man-in-the-middle attack somewhere and stealing valuable data. If we don’t load it into the trust store, then we are constantly bombarded by a warning page that we have to ignore (or in the case of non-browser clients, we may have to pass an option not to verify the client) in which case we could still end up in a man-in-the-middle attack, because we’re blindly trusting the connection. Neither of those seems like a great option. What’s a sensible person to do?

Two Better Solutions

So, let’s take both of the situations we just learned about and see if we can locate a middle ground somewhere. Let’s go over what we know:

  • We need to have encryption to protect our data from prying eyes.
  • Our clients need to be able to trust that they are talking to the right system at the other end of the conversation.
  • If the certificate isn’t signed by a certificate in our trust store, the browser or other clients will warn or block us, training the user to skip validation.
  • If the certificate is signed by a certificate in our trust store, then clients will silently accept it.
  • Getting a certificate signed by a well-known CA can be too expensive for an R&D project, but we don’t want to put developers’ machines at risk.

So there are two better ways to deal with this. One is to have an organization-wide certificate authority rather than a public one. This should be managed by the Information Technologies staff. Then, R&D can submit their certificates to the IT department for signing and all company systems will implicitly trust that signature. This approach is powerful, but can also be difficult to set up (particularly in companies with a bring-your-own-device policy in place). So let’s look at a another solution that’s closer to the self-signed approach.

The other way to deal with it would be to create a simple site-specific certificate authority for use just in signing the development/test certificate. In other words, instead of generating a self-signed certificate, you would generate two certificates: one for the service and one to sign that certificate. Then (and this is the key point – pardon the pun), you must delete and destroy the private key for the certificate that did the signing. As a result, only the public key of that private CA will remain in existence, and it will only have ever signed a single service. Then you can provide the public key of this certificate authority to anyone who should have access to the service and they can add this one-time-use CA to their trust store.

Now, I will stress that the same rule holds true here as for self-signed certificates: do not use this setup for a production system. Use a trusted signing authority for such sites. It’s far easier on your users.

A Tool and a Tale

I came up with this approach while I was working on solving some problems for the Fedora Project. Specifically, we wanted to come up with a way to ensure that we could easily and automatically generate a certificate for services that should be running on initial start-up (such as Cockpit or OpenPegasus). Historically, Fedora had been using self-signed certificates, but the downsides I listed above gnawed at me, so I put some time into it and came up with the private-CA approach.

In addition to the algorithm described above, I’ve also built a proof-of-concept tool called sscg (the Simple Signed Certificate Generator) to easily enable the creation of these certificates (and to do so in a way that never drops the CA’s private key onto a filesystem; it remains in memory). The tool is built in the C language and has very few dependencies (including OpenSSL). If you’d like to contribute, you can clone my github repository. Patches and suggestions for functionality are most welcome.

We are not who we are

In authentication, we generally talk about three “factors” for determining identity. A “factor” is a broad category for establishing that you are who you claim to be. The three types of authentication factor are:

  • Something you know (a password, a PIN, the answer to a “security question”, etc.)
  • Something you have (an ATM card, a smart card, a one-time-password token, etc.)
  • Something you are (your fingerprint, retinal pattern, DNA)

Historically, most people have used the first of these three forms most commonly. Whenever you’ve logged into Facebook, you’re entering something you know: your username and password. If you’ve ever used Google’s two-factor authentication to log in, you probably used a code stored on your smartphone to do so.

One of the less common, but growing, authentication methods are the biometrics. A couple years ago, a major PC manufacturer ran a number of television commercials advertising their laptop models with a fingerprint scanner. The claim was that it was easy and secure to unlock the machine with a swipe of a finger. Similarly, Google introduced a service to unlock an Android smart phone by using facial recognition with the built-in camera.

Pay attention folks, because I’m about to remove the scales from your eyes. Those three factors I listed above? I listed them in decreasing order of security. “But how can that be?” you may ask. “How can my unchangeable physical attributes be less secure than a password? Everyone knows passwords aren’t secure.”

The confusion here is due to subtle but important definitions in the meaning of “security”. Most common passwords these days are considered “insecure” because people tend to use short passwords which by definition have a limited entropy pool (meaning it takes a smaller amount of time to run through all the possible combinations in order to brute-force the password or run through a password dictionary). However, the pure computational complexity of the authentication mechanism is not the only contributor to security.

The second factor above, “something you have” (known as a token), is almost always of significantly higher entropy than anything you would ever use as a password. This is to eliminate the brute-force vulnerability of passwords. But it comes with a significant downside as well: something you have is also something that can be physically removed from you. Where a well-chosen password can only be removed from you by social engineering (tricking you into giving it to an inappropriate recipient), a token might be slipped off your desk while you are at lunch.

Both passwords and tokens have an important side-effect that most people never think about until an intrusion has been caught: remediation. When someone has successfully learned your password or stolen your token, you can call up your helpdesk and immediately ask them to reset the password or disable the cryptographic seed in the token. Your security is now restored and you can choose a new password and have a new token sent to you.

However, this is not the case with a biometric system. By its very nature, it is dependent upon something that you cannot change. Moreover, the nature of its supposed security derives from this very fact. The problem here is that it’s significantly easier to acquire a copy of someone’s fingerprint, retinal scan or even blood for a DNA test than it is to steal a password or token device and in many cases it can even be done without the victim knowing.

Many consumer retinal scanners can be fooled by a simple reasonably-high-resolution photograph of the person’s eye (which is extremely easy to accomplish with today’s cameras). Some of the more expensive models will also require a moving picture, but today’s high-resolution smartphone cameras and displays can defeat many of these mechanisms as well. It’s well-documented that Android’s face-unlock feature can be beaten by a simple photograph.

These are all technological limitations and as such it’s plausible that they can be overcome over time with more sensitive equipment. However, the real problem with biometric security lies with its inability to replace a compromised authentication device. Once someone has a copy of your ten fingerprints, or a drop of your blood from a stolen blood-sugar test or a close-up video of your eye from a scoped video camera, there is no way to change this data out. You can’t ask helpdesk to send you new fingers, an eyeball or DNA. Therefore, I contend that I lied to you above. There is no full third factor for authentication, because, given a sufficient amount of time, any use of biometrics will eventually degenerate into a non-factor.

Given this serious limitation, one should never under any circumstances use biometrics as the sole form of authentication for any purpose whatsoever.

One other thought: have you ever heard the argument that you should never use the same password on multiple websites because if it’s stolen on one, they have access to the others? Well, the same is true of your retina. If someone sticks malware on your cellphone to copy an image of your eye that you were using for “face unlock”, guess what? They can probably use that to get into your lab too.

The moral of the story is this: biometrics are minimally useful, since they are only viable until the first exposure across all sites where they are used. As a result, if you are considering initiating a biometric-based security model, I encourage you to save your money (those scanners are expensive!) and look into a two-factor solution involving passwords and a token of some kind.